linux4michelle> Which IMAP server do you use?
linux4michelle> linux4michelle> If you say, "mbox", then you have definitively NO
linux4michelle> courier-imap and since courier is the only one using
linux4michelle> "." and hierarchy separator, you should check your MDA
linux4michelle> (maildrop, procmail, ...) to correct this.

In my case, the IMAP Server is uwashington imapd (not courier).

srevilak> One of the IMAP folders is

srevilak>     12 IMAP spam.200905

srevilak> "spam.200905" is the actual filename on the IMAP server.

srevilak> I'll move the selection cursor over "spam.200905" and press
srevilak> <Return>.  Instead of opening the folder, Mutt prints an
srevilak> error message:

srevilak>   SELECT failed: Can't open mailbox mail/spam/200905: no
srevilak> such mailbox

srevilak> I started using mutt in version 1.5.19, so I can't say
srevilak> whether this behavior is new to 1.5.19, or whether it
srevilak> existed in earlier versions.

Although I cannot vouch for Mutt < 1.5.19, I can say that other MUAs
had no difficulty with "." in the name of the IMAP folder.
Specifically, the other MUAs I'm referring to are Pine 4.58 - 4.64,
Alpine 1.00 - 1.10, and Apple Mail 2.1.3.

Steve Revilak

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