You mail admins take things too personally. ;)

I said something *more* reasonable because, as I mentioned earlier, I
was turning knobs and pushing buttons to figure out what may have been
slowing everything down.

75 is not the value I expect to use on a daily basis. I'm simply
troubleshooting to determine what may ultimately be causing an
overally slowness in my situation.

I recommend you crack open a beer and relax. ;)


On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Kyle Wheeler <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On Sunday, May 31 at 11:02 AM, quoth James:
>> It seems a good bit of the problem I am having is related to the
>> $mail_check period. If I have it too low mutt becomes completely
>> unresponsive, regardless of what I try to do.
> Again - for obvious reasons.
>> Setting it to a more reasonable value (75 seconds) improves the
>> situation a bit.
> You have a very strange idea of what is "reasonable". Given that other
> mail programs, like thunderbird, cannot check mail any more frequently
> than once per minute (that's their minimum), and the default value is
> usually 5every 5 minutes, what makes you think that 75 seconds is
> "reasonable"? Speaking as a man who runs a mail server for lots of
> other people, 75 seconds is very unreasonable, and is approaching
> absurd.
> If you really really MUST HAVE MAIL THIS INSTANT, I highly recommend
> using IMAP's IDLE feature. You simple add "set imap_idle" to your
> muttrc. That way your IMAP server will NOTIFY you when mail comes in,
> rather than having you ping it every time you blink.
> ~Kyle
> - --
> Faith... must be enforced by reason. [...] When faith becomes blind it
> dies.
>                                                             -- Ghandi
> Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
> iQIVAwUBSiLOMiuveozR/AWeAQhjAw//V7qMzYIEiUetLsTDavaUk3Wey6YGleyu
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> ZRqD08LIS3DdVbIe1WPfQDZzCx8VOGWyZ69SbuzS+FAllZdYJkQdxGJJxVdj9rM0
> pAKEPyPvELSfDf23IVdb96gQt2q/J7VHBUVbfgFkSNS3/y/D7OeTbG3DfMkqSPX7
> niVKdBHHVlReEKQeVTdfym8NPNtKlgjeZ3P5jvr3u21d7HQL8YEoQCWk+TzERzeb
> 6SIsZoi7bAviQzVgYPNd7PTWt7ejUCk1EsEu21887YM7xuaj6o39N4feEewLhpf7
> JjzuPZP+/Js1Y+cL/A+LnAERyrv5IK2qrcqCTr4MGvP2Mysckwouo7OrOjFWz3Ts
> cK09XI3HPZZ7S4cr6ZGy8moGkuc8+KwtxcgQ8+bceyeE9OZl05AUDE+ySbDMB1nn
> M0xp12e90E4iCd76G1CNJZzoBHZF7jdqvwqvmM46vDmUa55wi0wf8afCngnXIvCj
> tFjFrezwyWpcCKfkGwdb5zjpBYA9wHmY1QLhyVx+MfgiQpbUyJavd4gtIChU1ESJ
> 9xOwh50i3syJRRY0eoaTyFs0QLgW5DkjYFFOghmPegZwmlr8AtNeNofaSC8YGkGM
> i8CAfxf+E7E=
> =J6xc

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