* El 09/05/09 a las 16:09, Jussi Peltola chamullaba:

> I use mutt on a Nokia N810 over ssh. The xterm in mine, having selected
> English as the language in the GUI and not having fiddled with locales
> manually, uses UTF-8. The locales provided with the machine are named
> fi_FI, en_GB, etc. but they still seem to use UTF-8 - try grep UTF-8
> /usr/share/locale-archive.

I should have said this first, but if I switch the console encoding to
utf8, then the message is properly displayed. So, the utf8 'realm'
works ok. Hence, mutt is transforming an iso8859-1 message into a
(correct) utf8 one, despite the fact that my xterm is iso8859-1, and
despite the value of charset variable. Other programs like VIM work

> Some terminals silently switch to ISO-8859-1 if you print something that
> isn't valid UTF-8, requiring you to restart them to get back to UTF-8.
> That, combined with a signature, motd, etc. in ISO-8859-1 can be very
> confusing.

I don't think this is a problem in my case.

> Remember that you can't change the xterm's locale with .profile, that
> will only change the locale within the shell the xterm runs, not in the
> xterm's environment itself.

How do you change a xterm encoding through a command line? osso-xterm
does not need to be restarted to change it...

> BTW, where did you get a maemo bin of mutt?




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