I am using links to display HTML messages in mutt on two different
systems and I'm confused as to why I'm seeing differently formatted

On one system each link has a reference number by it and the reference
URLs are listed at the bottom of the page.  On the other system I
don't see these references.  I want the references.

E.g. on one system I see:-

    [-- Autoview using links -dump '/tmp/mutt.html' --]

      Keeping your Amazon account secure is one of our most important


       Visible links
       1. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/468294

Whereas on the other system I don't see that [1] nor the references at
the bottom, i.e. I just get:-

    [-- Autoview using links -dump '/tmp/mutt.html' --]

       Keeping your Amazon account secure is one of our most important

Both systems have the same entry for links in the mailcap file, both
systems have near identical muttrc files.

Is this some sort of oddity in the way that mutt is handing the HTML
to links or is links working differently for some reason?

Chris Green

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