* Malcolm Locke <m...@wholemeal.co.nz> [09.05.09 12:15]:
> Hi,
> Searching the archives I couldn't find any scalable vector versions of
> the lovely mutt icon.   He has been a faithful companion on my desktop
> for many years but is now looking a bit shabby alongside his SVG
> compatriots.
> So I've used my questionable graphics skills to create a scalable
> version, feel free to download the SVG or one of the pre scaled PNGs
> for your own use.
>   http://wholemeal.co.nz/~malc/mutt-logo/
> Enjoy,
> Malc
* Ciò letto, correndo sabato 09 maggio 2009, alle 12 e 41 rispondo così:

Good Job Malcolm!

Thank You
Ataualpa aka Francesco Ciattaglia

          (o_  34. "Si indossa nelle grandi occasioni"."Passamontagna".
(o_  (o_  //\  [la "nimmistica" di Claudio Batta - Zelig]
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