On Fri, 03 Apr 2009, Roger Casaponsa wrote: > I think that es...@euro is the same that es_ES.ISO8859-15 because when > I choose wich locales I want this is displayed like: es...@euro > ISO-8859-15
If it was related to vim, you may test when replying with vim by typing :set fenc this should give the file encoding used by vim for that reply and :set fencs this should give a list of encodings used by vim for autodetect, try putting iso-8859-15 after the utf-8 or some other positions set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp950,iso-8859-9,gb18030,default,latin1 and add that in your .vimrc. HTH -- regards, ==================================================== GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24 gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3 唐詩180 王維 積雨輞川莊作 積雨空林煙火遲 蒸藜炊黍餉東菑 漠漠水田飛白鷺 陰陰夏木囀黃鸝 山中習靜觀朝槿 松下清齋折露葵 野老與人爭席罷 海鷗何事更相疑