On 22Feb2009 10:45, James Freer <jesseja...@googlemail.com> wrote:
| I've just been looking at mozex. the "xterm -e vim %t" that one enters
| for the editor leaves one with a small font. I hoped "xterm -fs 16 -e
| vim %t" might improve things. How can one get over this?

The best way is to edit your .Xdefaults file to add suitable defaults
for the XTerm client. Mine includes:

  XTerm*boldFont: 5x8
  XTerm*font: 5x8

which I'm sure you'll find too small. See "man xterm" for the extensive
list of available settings.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

No, I haven't read 'Illuminatus' myself, although I do know of it. Perhaps I
might find some _more_ information in this book to back up these claims.
        - j...@ibis.dsto.gov.au (James Marcus)

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