
I try to tell my muttrc to use different attribute strings in replies in
different mailboxes (mbox-format):

# begin .muttrc-entry:
# attribute string 
set attribution="%n schrieb vor kurzem:"
# attribute string for mbox mutt-users:
folder-hook mutt-users set attribution="%n wrote on %d:"
# end

When I change into mutt-users folder I get an error-message telling me that
"wrote" is an unknown variable.

BUT using 
folder-hook mutt-users set attribution="%n:"
instead, works!

I read TFM and reckoned it might have to do with not defining a default.  (and
in fact coming back to the inbox the attribute string is still the one defined
for the mutt-users box.) But entering: 
folder-hook . set attribution="%n schrieb vor kurzem" 
did not help. Now mutt complains about "schrieb" as
unknown variable.  EVEN when i open the mutt-users box where I expect it to
complain about "wrote".

If I now disable the original "set attribution="%n schrieb vor kurzem"-entry i
get the expected complaint about "wrote" as invalid variable. 

What am i missing out on?


HINT: I posted about my encoding problems before. Maybe that problem is
related because if I put a german UMLAUT into the attribution-string 
for example 
set attribution="%n schieb kürzlich"
I have crumbled up umlauts in my reply mails! 

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