Hi Rocco!

* Rocco Rutte <pd...@gmx.net> [160209, 16:44]:
> Hi,
> * Ennio-Sr wrote:
>> On posts going back to 2003 I red it was possible to switch identity
>> while composing a message. What I understood from those posts was that
>> you had to put the following lines in .muttrc:
>> ------------
>> macro compose z "<edit-from>^UIdentity_<tab>" "Select from"
>> alias  Identity_1            <1st_addr...@tin.it>
>> alias  Identity_2            <2nd_addr...@tin.it>
>> .....  ..........            ....................
>> alias  Identity_n            <nth_addre...@tin.it>
>> ------------
>> then, pressing 'z' while editing a new mail, you would be able to change
>> your 'From:' header choosing from the list of identities. However, I did
>> try it with no success ;-(
> Yes, this works like a charm. What _exactly_ happens in your case? A
> guess: you put ^ and U in there instead of a Control-U character?

I just put an '^' and a 'U' as can be seen printed in my lines above.
I do not know how to put a 'Control-U charachter' in .muttrc being
edited with 'vim'. (Tried with '<C-U>, which appears to be 'vim'
syntax, to no avail). Anyway ...  

> If you try to edit the from line, mutt fills it with the content already
> there. Control-U or <kill-line> editor function clears that line. Thus,
> the above is equivalent to:
>        macro compose z "<edit-from><kill-line>Identity_<tab>" "Select from"

I changed the macro line to read as you suggest (with 'kill-line') but
still get the same result, i.e. nothing at all happens when I press 'z'
while being in the 'compose menu' (i.e. the page pre-filled with my
chosen headers that appears on the console when - within mutt - I press
Could it be related to my using vim as the default editor to compose the

> If that still doesn't work for you, please provide an error message or
> whatever mutt gives you.

Sorry, no error message is shown: just nothing happens, except bell
ringing... ;-)

[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.          \\?//
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say)]  (°|°)
Regards, Ennio. --> Please replace '.' for '_dot_' in my Reply-To.  )=(

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