On 2009-02-13, James Freer <jesseja...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Kyle
> Thanks for your reply - that has helped clarify some things. Ubuntu
> 8.04 repos has the mutt 1.5.17 [but as the 8.04 version is the Long
> Term Support version it may well automatically replace it with the
> updated version on install].
>>> I have three emails addresses with googlemail.com
>> Ah, fun.
> Does that mean considerable stress and grief??

I think Gmail's IMAP server works great (far better than some
traditional IMAP servers).  Multiple accounts is multiple
accounts regardless of the server.

The only thing I remember causing problems was that Gmail's
IMAP server has a very short connection timeout.  The following
setting in my .muttrc file seems to keep it happily connected:

  set imap_keepalive=30

> I have set up IMAP gmail with Thunderbird and wondered about POP and
> SMTP. Gmail has an odd way of handling IMAP which i'm not sure about.
> Using as webmail Gmail has an Inbox, Sent and All Mail box - when
> using Thunderbird in IMAP all incoming mail remains in the Inbox, then
> has to be archived manually [by going back to webmail] to put it in
> the All Mail box. Gmail is very clever with its conversations feature
> and this is why it has this All Mail box i guess but i didn't find a
> away of archiving the Inbox to All Mail

I'm a bit confused about what you mean by "archiving the Inbox
to All Mail".  If you're using IMAP and if you don't want to
see an e-mail in the Inbox folder any more, then delete it.

It'll still be there in the "All Mail" box.

In Gmail's IMAP server, a message can exist simultaneously in
mutliple IMAP folders (yet there's only one real copy of the
message). Remember: IMAP folders are just the way that Gmail
presents "labels" to an IMAP client.  Folders do not correspond
to anything like separate directories in a filesystem that
contain copies of messages.

Be default, incoming messages are given the label "Inbox".

The "All Mail" "folder" is special in that it provides a view
of all messages regardless of what labels they have (if any).

Deleting a mail from a "folder" just removes the corresponding
label from the message.  IIRC, the only way to really "delete"
a message is to move it to the Trash or Spam folder, then
delete it from there.  Hmm... I don't remember what happens
when, via IMAP, you delete a message from the "All Mail"

Anyway, it's explained pretty well on the google web site:


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I just got my PRINCE
                                  at               bumper sticker ... But now
                               visi.com            I can't remember WHO he
                                                   is ...

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