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On Friday, February 13 at 08:58 AM, quoth Christian Brabandt:
>> If I ever need to refer to something in deep storage, I can always 
>> go find it (using mutt) and search for it (using mutt).
> The last time I did that it would take an considerably amount of time, 
> whenever I opened that folder. Well admittedly, that folder containea 
> about hundreds of mails, but I didn't like it, because mutt was 
> unresponsive.

Suit yourself; I've found that, since I moved my IMAP server from the 
laggardly BincIMAP to Dovecot, my ability to search gigantic archive 
mailboxes has become, well, gigantic. Granted, Binc was simple and 
straightforward as can be, but Dovecot builds its own indexes 
(including full-text indexes), which makes searching a breeze even 
without mutt's header caching. And with the header caching? It's just 
blazing fast.

I've never used offlineimap or mairix or any of these similar tools, 
which all sound pretty neat. However, since moving to Dovecot, I 
haven't felt the need.

(for what it's worth, my archive folders are in a second namespace 
that stores things in mbox format.... mostly for space reasons, rather 
than speed.)

BUT, the great thing about email is: to each their own. It's all about 
what works for you. :)

- -- 
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition 
dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.
                                                    -- Edward R. Murrow
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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