On 2009-02-12, Rajarajan Rajamani <r.rajam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:04 AM, bill lam <cbill....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> (I apologise that I once saw a thread on this subject but could not
>> locate it,)
>> I got several gmail accounts that have to be set up inside muttrc like:
> There may be more elegant ways of doing it but one that comes
> to mind is that you put each account in a different muttrc
> file and use each one separately on the command line as
> needed.

That's what I do.  I have all my common settings in one file
(.muttrc.common), and then a set of .muttrc.<account> files
that each source the common file and then set whatever custom
stuff is needed for that account.

I don't usually invoke mutt from the command line, but rather
do it with the per-account buttons in the XFCE mailwatcher
applet (it's sort of like gbiff or gbuffy).

When I do invoke mutt from the command line, I have a symlink
from .muttrc to the .muttrc.<account> file for the account I
most use.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Hand me a pair of
                                  at               leather pants and a CASIO
                               visi.com            keyboard -- I'm living
                                                   for today!

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