Ben wrote: [Sun Feb 08 2009, 08:41:54AM EST] > I recently switched mutt versions on one of my computers to > 1.5.19 from the 1.4 series. A problem I'm having is that mutt > is expanding periods in mbox names to forward slashes, as if > talking to a Maildir imap server.
I think this has less to do with maildir/mbox than it has to do with some imap servers using / and some using . to nest folders. Mutt tries to be smart about it and usually succeeds, but... > For example, I request a change-folder to > imap://server/firstname.lastname and I get error Can't open > mailbox mail/firstname/lastname. You might look at Possibly setting that to "/" instead of the default "/." will help? > I've set mbox_type=mbox Believe that's unrelated. > Using mutt with the same configs doesn't do this. If you can't get it working, file it as a regression at Hth, Aron