Paul [08.Feb.2009 23:34]:
Where does mutt get the date and time that it displays in the index of emails in a folder? I ask because I am trying to build an archive of old email in maildir format and I have a troublesome email (well more than one, but one is particularly troublesome).
Building the archive by hand or via scripting? If scripting, I am always inclined to learn how other people do it :)
The desplayed date is 1970-01-01 00:00:00. I know that this is the Unix epoch. I opened this particular email in vim, say the there was no Date: line in it, and put one in. But, even with multiple restarts of the program and fiddles with the formate of the date string, I still see the Unix epoch. Where should I dummy in a date on an email so that mutt sees it? (and believes it?)
This is more of a hint on how to construct the right format: Use something like 'formail -i "Date: $(date --rfc-2822)"' to set the current date and replace 'Date:' in your email. mutt should display the set date correctly after that. Mutt seems to be expecting the date to be formatted according to RFC 2822. Either have a look there or at the output of 'date -R' (which will display the date in such a way). Hope that helps a bit. JP - Sorry for any direct email :( -- Time flies like the wind, but fruit flies like bananas.