On Wed, 17 Dec 2008, Rejo Zenger wrote:
>  |    I     1 <no description>                      [multipa/alternativ, 
> 7bit, 178K]
>  |    I     2 AA><no description>                 [text/plain, 7bit, 
> us-ascii, 1.8K]
>  |    I     3 AA><no description>                        [multipa/mixed, 
> 7bit, 176K]
>  |    I     4   AA><no description>              [text/html, quoted, 
> us-ascii, 3.6K]
>  |    I     5   AA>abcdefghijklmnopq.pdf                 [applica/pdf, 
> base64, 170K]
>  |    I     6   AA><no description>              [text/html, quoted, 
> us-ascii, 2.1K]

I don't know the exact answer, but I can see the email contained
"alternative" meaning that only one of the alternatives is sufficient
for viewing purpose. You may use "alternative_order" in muttrc to set
  your own preference.  Please search for "alternative_order" in mutt
  documentation for detail.


GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3
唐詩253 崔顥  長干行二首之一
    君家何處住  妾住在橫塘  停船暫借問  或恐是同鄉

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