
I've managed to color all mail addressed to this list (or CC'd to it) green, by 
means of:

color index green default "~C mutt"

However, I'm also trying to color all mail from me red, like so:

color index red default ~P

This works fine except for mail associated with this list that gets colored 
green.  At first I thought I needed to put the "red" line after the "green" one 
in my muttrc, since perhaps the green one was overriding the red one.  But 
after switching the order, mail from me that's sent to this list is still green 
and not red.

Am I doing something wrong?  I know that ~P consults "alternates", but all my 
various addresses are named in "set alternates".  I'd swear I used to be able 
to color all *new* messages addressed to this list yellow, by means of:

color index yellow default ~N

but that isn't working now either.  Any thoughts?

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