* Rocco Rutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-12-10 11:21:32 +0100]:

> Hi,
> * Marco wrote:
>> I've just noticed that the number is actually updated on the mailboxes
>> if I do the following: say I have two mailboxes A,B,C.
> :)
>> If I enter A, read some new messages and then press y,the number is not
>> decrased.If then I enter B and read some messages and then again press
>> y, the number of A is *now* correctly decreased.
>> So I must visit some *other* mailboxes in order to have the number of
>> messages in another mailbox correctly updated ? This is a strange
>> behaviour.
> Not exactly I think, though I'm not the IMAP expert. AFAIK the numbers
> are correct according to mailbox polling (minus some bugs that may be
> open in that direction) _except_ for the currently selected folder. It
> doesn't totally relate to the problem, but when you're in folder A you
> have $status_format to tell you plenty of details about messages counts
> for the current forder. Why would you want to use the browser for that?
>> Am I not well understand the meaning of $timeout ??
> If counts for other mailboxes are fine, nothing is wrong. $timeout and
> mail polling often causes quite some confusion, $timeout doesn't maybe
> do what you think it does. Please read:
>        http://dev.mutt.org/doc/manual.html#handling-folders
Ok it's a bit clearer now: the link explains the "normal" behaviour.

I've hand-compiled the latest dev release(1.5.18) of mutt and it seems
to work as expected:
the mailboxes view is updated correctly now (i.d. whenever I return to
it numbers of new mails are decreased correctly if I've read some).

I wish use the browser (or mailboxes view) for that because I think it's
a good resume of what's going on on my mailboxes.So having a live update
of new messages even in this view would be expected and
very useful from my point of view.(e.g. I could leave this view and
quickly view what's going on - instead of keeping doing "exec check-new").

By the way from what manual says,I should be able to view the number of 
mailboxes which contain new messages in the status line when in index
mode: well I am again stopped with a problem:

even if I am there, and my mailboxes view shows mailboxes with new
messages, in the status line %b keep stay empty.(value 0).

Is this a bug, isn't it ?

thank you again
>> The mailboxes view is either a menus or in an interactive prompt ???
> It's a menu, the manual would have answered that, too. Prompts are only
> those places where you can enter something in the last line of your
> screen. A menu is has funtions, allows keys to be rebound and be
> customly formatted.
> Rocco

Marco Vittorini Orgeas

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