On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 05:11:08PM -0600, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Monday, December  8 at 06:06 PM, quoth Cristopher Thomas:
> > I want to use mutt's 'auto_view text/html' option for the majority 
> > of my emails, but there are a few that I want to open using 'links2 
> > -g.'  I have no problem using one or the other, but haven't been 
> > able to figure out a way to get them to cooperate.  Any ideas?
> Is there a pattern to which ones you wish to view one way or the 
> other? I guess my question is: how do you envision/want the end-result 
> interface working? Do you want mutt to automatically switch between 
> one or the other based on, say, the sender of the message? Do you want 
> to be able to press a key and view the message differently? What are 
> you after?
> ~Kyle
> -- 
> Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it's 
> supposed to do.
>                                                   -- Robert A. Heinlein

There is really no pattern.  I recieve emails from two or three unrelated 
senders that consistenly have images inline.  I want mutt to automatically 
determine that the sender is one of those I have specifically identified as 
needing to be dealt with differnetly.  The majority of emails would be opened 
inline, but the 3 would be opened using 'links2 -g'  I hope I'm not being vague.

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