On Friday, 05 December 2008, 13:24 (UTC+0100), Christian Ebert wrote:
> * Marianne Promberger on Friday, December 05, 2008 at 12:00:47 +0000
> > I have the following in my muttrc, as the last line:
> > 
> > push "<tag-pattern>~s 
> > abrechnung<enter><tag-prefix-cond><clear-flag>N<save-message><enter><end-cond><sync-mailbox>"
> > 
> > (I'm sending myself backups of a spreadsheet and want to immediately
> > archive these to a different mail folder, unsetting the "new" flag). 
> > 
> > Basically, this line doesn't always get executed, meaning that new
> > mail matching the pattern "~s abrechnung" stays in my spoolfile,
> > marked as new.
> As a wild guess you might want to experiment with your $resolve
> setting; I think Mutt tries to jump to the next message before
> clearing the flag. So perhaps temporarily unsetting $resolve
> might help.

Thanks for your tip. I tried putting in "set resolve=no". My
impression is that the success rate is quite a bit higher now, but
still not 100 percent. Maybe 50 percent or slightly more (but this is
just my impression).

Note that it either works completely, clearing the "new" flag (if any)
saving the message _and_ syncing the mailbox, or not at all.

Any more ideas very welcome! :)


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