On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 08:52:12PM +0100, Alberto Rizzi wrote:
> I have four imap accounts (personal, 2 university, mailing list) and I
> want to use four different "Form:" header depending on the folder I am
> in.

do you really have different accounts (i.e., different
host/username/password) or just different folders?

i have two email accounts (one fastmail, one university) which i both
access through imap. i simply have two mutt instances running in a screen
session. actually, i have three mutt instances in a screen session, the
third is for my local folders. my .screenrc ends with the following lines:

screen -t "Local mail" mutt -F .muttrc-local
screen -t "Fastmail" mutt -F .muttrc-fm
screen -t "Uni Frankfurt" mutt -F .muttrc-jwg

each of the .muttrc-* files contains settings that are specific for each
account, and additionally i have a .muttrc-gen for general settings that
gets sourced by each of the specific .muttrc-* files.

i've had this setup for years and i find it works quite well for handling
multiple accounts.

Joost Kremers, PhD
University of Frankfurt
Institute for Cognitive Linguistics
Grüneburgplatz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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