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On Saturday, November 15 at 08:13 PM, quoth martin f krafft:
> I don't want an external pager.

I don't blame you...

> And as long as urlview cannot deal with X (I read mail on my 
> mailserver, which has no X, and want to open URLs locally), it's of 
> little use...

Eh? What's X got to do with it? urlview just runs whatever program you 
want. It can run firefox if you want it to, and if your DISPLAY 
setting is correct, firefox will display on your local system (even 
though it's running on the remote system). That's not the issue, the 
issue is sending the url from the remote system to firefox running on 
your local system, and that's got *nothing* to do with X or with 

Of course, that doesn't really *help* you much, just gives you a 
better idea of where the problem is. What you really want is a little 
program that would work with, say, an ssh tunnel to pass information 
from your server back to a url launcher on the local side.

Personally, that's why I use mutt locally, reading email via IMAP. But 
it shouldn't be too hard to set up a simple little URL launcher that 
you could tunnel over ssh. The local side would be something really 
simple, like this:

    while read url ; do
        firefox -a firefox -remote "openurl($url)"

The real trick to it would be setting up ssh to do the tunnel, 
launching the local script, and ensuring that the remote side sends 
the URL to the right place.

- -- 
No man goes so high as he who knows not where he is going.
                                                           -- Cromwell
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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