-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Monday, September 22 at 11:39 AM, quoth Pau: > I would like to use mutt with screen. My problem is that my defined > colours (see bottom) are not displayed correctly on screen. I am > using TERM=xterm-xfree86 in my zshrc, but TERM=screen doens't help.
Read screen's man page, in particular the VIRTUAL TERMINAL section. Here's a good snippet: When screen tries to figure out a terminal name for itself, it first looks for an entry named "screen.<term>", where <term> is the contents of your $TERM variable. If no such entry exists, screen tries "screen" (or "screen-w" if the terminal is wide (132 cols or more)). If even this entry cannot be found, "vt100" is used as a substitute. So, find out what termcaps you have available. You may have a "screen.xterm" or something similar that would work better. ~Kyle - -- In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria. -- German proverb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: Thank you for using encryption! iEYEARECAAYFAkjXq3kACgkQBkIOoMqOI15/IQCfZDGyJXGyE+k0Dbf4Sk+uqvrR BCEAn3aPsSN1pnotzihgaLVTqFyBU9RJ =gDiC -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----