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On Friday, September 12 at 12:26 AM, quoth Christopher Lemire:
> I've got over 100 emails in my address book from the gmail web 
> interface. I can export it to three formats,
> Google's CSV format (for importing into another Google account). 
> Outlook's CSV format (for importing into Outlook or other applications). 
> vCard format (for importing into Address Book or other applications).
> How can I generate a mutt aliases with one of those or is there a better 
> way with so many emails?

Well, I don't know what their CSV format looks like exactly, but it 
should be pretty trivial to turn into a mutt aliases file.

Assuming that it looks something like this:

     nickname,first,last,[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Then you can do this:

     awk -F, '{print "alias",$1,$2,$3,"<"$4">"}' google.csv > .mutt_aliases

And that will chug through *millions* of addresses with ease.

Of course, your awk command will be different if Google's output CSV 
is somewhat different.

If Google's output doesn't include a useful nickname, then you're 
going to have to come up with a way of generating nicknames that are 
useful to you...

Does that help?

- -- 
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
                                                         -- Oscar Wilde
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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