Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> I've recently started looking into gpg-agent again, because it seems
> the redraw issues that used to plague pinentry calls have been
> resolved.

I think there may still be one or two.  I found one a few months back
and submitted a patch, but since then I've run into a similar problem
perhaps twice and haven't had time to find out where the problem was.

I have used gpg-agent for a long time now and it hasn't caused me much
trouble at all with mutt after that last small patch.  (It could just
be that I only trade encrypted messages with mostly well-trained folks
though. ;)

> Does anyone here know what the differences between the two are?

In a nutshell, GnuPG-2 is more modular and has support for S/MIME.
But GnuPG-1.4 isn't going anywhere for a while.

There wre a few threads on the gnupg-users list about this in the last
month or three, though I can't seem to find any of the better messages
from David Shaw or Werner Koch that answered this question in a quick
search of my list archive.

> Why gnupg2 is recommended for "desktop" use moreso than gnupg1?

Perhaps due to better support for smart cards and such?  But that's
just a guess.  I've stayed with GnuPG-1.4, as I have no need for
S/MIME support.  Hell, I spend most of my time in a terminal, so
better "desktop" support also doesn't mean much to me. :)

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it.
    -- Franklin P. Jones

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