=- Christopher Lemire wrote on Wed 27.Aug'08 at 13:36:36 -0500 -=

> I'd like to use the same configuration I have in Linux for mutt in
> Windows as well. I am not finding where the configuration should
> go. In Linux, it is /home/user/.muttrc. Where is it for Windows?

a) rtfm
b) I'd guess it goes to the same place as in Linux, namely
$HOME/.{mutt/}muttrc, so define HOME before you mutt.

> Also should I overwrite an existing file or append my .muttrc used
> in Linux to it or create a new file altogether? Thanks in
> advanced.

No idea about CRLF conversion, but I guess some folder paths might
be different, so I recommend going through all the vars to
doublecheck them for windows validity.

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