On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 09:11:43AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:

> Yes.  Here's an example of what I do so that I can address messages 
> to the mailing list corresponding to the folder I'm in by typing 
> 'M':
>    folder-hook +Incoming/mutt-users   \
>       'macro index,pager M "<mail>mutt-users^M^M"     "mail to list"'
> The second ^M answers the "Cc: " prompt so that the first thing I 
> see after typing 'M' is the "Subject: " prompt.  I have one such 
> folder-hook for each folder that receives mail from a list.  In this 
> example, "mutt-users" is an alias for "mutt-users@mutt.org".

Speaking of similar things, I see a lot of macros on this list, and I
have not used them yet.  I wanted to set Fcc: to the folder I am
mailing from, and tried doing this for each folder:

    folder-hook mutt "set record=~/Maildirs/mutt/"

It did nothing that I could see and I had forgotten all about it until
I saw this thread.  Are these the kinds of things better solved by
macros, or does your To: example require a macro because mutt has no
specific function like it does for "record"?

And is there no way to make one macro (or one "set record") for all
cases, or do you have to define one for everything?

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
     Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & rocket surgeon / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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