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On Tuesday, August 26 at 04:57 PM, quoth Rocco Rutte:
> First, at least one mailing lists considers setting Mail-Followup-To 
> headers to achieve exactly that (no duplicate messages) being 
> "rude", e.g. http://marc.info/?l=git&m=121218565402351&w=2 though I 
> consider that way of handling a mailing list "rude", too since they 
> still time from me by forcing me to deal with duplicate messages.

Ye gods...

  1. It's not rude to others: it merely indicates a preference. If you
     want to reply to someone privately, you may do so. If this moron
     cannot configure his email program to do that, then that's his
     problem for using a lousy email program. When *I* want to reply to
     someone on a mailing list privately, I press 'L', and my mailer
     (mutt) constructs a message with only the original sender as a
     recipient. The MFT header is for LIST REPLIES (which, for me, is
     'r' whenever I'm viewing a mailing list message).

  2. Yes, placing SOMEONE ELSE in your MFT is kinda goofy (or rude, I
     suppose). That's why the only things that should be allowed in
     your MFT are your own address and the mailing list's address. I
     can't imagine why mutt would include him in the MFT header; that
     seems broken to me.

I agree with Junio that Stephan shouldn't have put HIS address in the 
MFT, but the idea that an MFT header is rude in general is absurd.

Mutt's documentation says:

     The [MFT] header will contain ONLY the list's address for
     subscribed lists, and both the list address and your own email
     address for unsubscribed lists.

(emphasis mine). I can only imagine that Stephan must have used an 
overly generous regex (such as one ending in .*) to specify the 
mailing list address, in order to get the MFT to include Junio's 

> Second, since mutt already knows about List-Post to reply to a list 
> list even without a "subscribe" or "list" command, it should be 
> taught how to detect mailing lists completely. That way only mailing 
> lists without a given set of headers would require "list" commands. 

That only applies when we are replying to a message. When I compose a 
new message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I want it to match the ~l 
send-hooks that I've set up. The only way for mutt to know that that's 
a mailing list address is for me to tell it.

> Though it still requires issuing "subscribe" commands as mutt cannot 
> distinct between subscribed/unsubscribed lists easily (looking for 
> Delivered-To: or the like would get too messy to work in general I 
> guess).

Agreed, though I think we can make a stronger statement: there's 
absolutely no way for mutt to ascertain the current state of a 
person's list subscription status based on the message alone. For 
example, I could unsubscribe to a mailing list, and then decide to 
reply to a few of the last messages that I received. Those messages 
were sent (and received) while I was subscribed, but nothing in them 
will inform mutt that I *just* unsubscribed.

And, of course, when composing a new message, there is no prior 
message for mutt to consult to even attempt to detect my subscription 

- -- 
Idealism increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the 
                                                     -- John Galsworthy
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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