On 24Aug2008 16:41, Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Sunday, August 24 at 05:17 PM, quoth Shreevatsa R:
| >function reply() {
| >    MID=$1; shift;
| >    mutt -e "push 'l ~h $MID<Enter>g'" $@
| >}
| Strictly speaking, you may want to use the function names rather than 
| the keys themselves, even though it makes the mutt command longer and 
| not as pretty:
| function reply() {
|      MID=$1; shift;
|      mutt -e "push '<limit>~h $MID<Enter><group-reply>'" $@
| }
| That avoids potential problems if you should ever change your 
| keybindings.

And it may be worth searching on the message-id header specificly;
I can imagine "~h $MID" matching a followup via the in-reply-to header.

Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

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