On 17Jul2008 20:38, Jorge Luis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 09:32:46PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
| > # macros to invoke a profile
| > macro   index   <F10>    ":source ~/.mutt/profile.default\n" # "Load 
default profile"
| > macro   pager   <F10>    ":source ~/.mutt/profile.default\n" # "Load 
default profile"
| > macro   index   <F11>    ":source ~/.mutt/profile.lfs\n" # "Load profile: 
| > macro   pager   <F11>    ":source ~/.mutt/profile.lfs\n" # "Load profile: 
| I'm using this system now to good effect.  There's one minor improvement
| I'd like to make, but I'm not sure how to do it.  Is there some way to
| cause these macros to load the respective mboxes upon execution?  As
| they stand, I have to call up the mbox listing manually after sourcing
| the macros.

You can't just make the macros longer? Eg (untested):

  macro   index   <F10>    ":source ~/.mutt/profile.default\nc" # "Load default 

(Note the "c" inserted at the end of the macro.)
Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

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