On 24 Jul 2008 14:16 -0700, by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ravi Uday):
> In mutt 1.5.17 is there a way we can setup a rule where if the number
> of emails touches 150 move the first 50 to a specified folder ?
> We can then map this rule witha key too ?

If you are using maildir (I guess MH could work too, but may take a
little more work, and mbox would take the most work), you could rather
easily write a short shell script to accomplish this. True, it
wouldn't be within mutt, but if you want to you can certainly bind it
to a key combination to invoke it from within mutt.

Hint: "ls new cur | wc -l" should get you far.

Michael Kjörling .. [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. http://michael.kjorling.se
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