In reply-to  Patrick Shanahan <ptilopteri () gmail ! com>
who on   2008-07-09 15:06:39
Message-ID: 20080709150639.GQ22932 () wahoo ! no-ip ! org

> Before I give definitely up, could you please confirm that I'm wright
> in assuming that send-hook should work (i.e. change headers) for
> messages being sent and the change should occur as the message is
> being composed, as soon as the _To:_ field is filled with the
> particular address?

>> aiui, but *only* when you first start a new message.  It would not set
>> the "From:" addr if you edited the header "To:" field after a message
>> is open/started.  I believe send2-hook is for that.

>> you might try with a .muttrc containing *only* your send-hooks to
>> confirm that something else is not affecting

>>  mutt <to-addr> -F ~/<special-muttrc>
>> [...]

Ohhh! finally some light ;-). While I was trying what you suggested I
realized that the trick for making send-hook work was simply to start
mutt with the <To-addr>, like, for example:

$ mutt muttus

where _muttus_ is an alias for <>
and, of course, there is a send-hook in .muttrc
Instead, if I start mutt to read incoming messages and press 'm' to
compose a new messages, there is no way to get the correct result, even
changing to _send2-hook_.

BTW, I've been reading manual and many posts on the subject but did
never never notice anything to this respect! ;(

>> ps: your quoting style puts a great burden on anyone trying to answer
>> your questions and present an easily understood text.
I'm very sorry for that. AAMOF all messages from the list are going to
my /dev/null, despite having put an exception for them in .procmailrc:


and I'm copying them from mutt archives.

Are your messages 'plain/text' or html?

[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.          \\?//
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say)]  (°|°)
Regards, Ennio. --> Please replace '.' for '_dot_' in my Reply-To.  )=(

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