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On Wednesday, May 28 at 11:28 AM, quoth Cameron Simpson:
>I'm trying out mutt-1.5.18 (love that time_inc setting!)
>However, IMAPS does not work for me. "mutt -f imaps://..." says "SSL is
>unavailable." to me for both the IMAPS services to which I want to connect.

That means that you didn't build mutt with SSL support.

>1.5.17 connects ok.

Probably because you built that one with SSL support. ;)

>My 1.5.18 "mutt -v" output is:
See the minus?

>My (working) mutt-1.5.17 "mutt -v" is:
See the plus?

That's the difference.

>Superficially the IMAP and SSL settings seem to tbe the same to me.

The settings may be the same, but... you didn't build the new mutt 
with SSL support, so the settings won't help.

> I can probably dig out the actual "configure" lines I used if you 
> like.

You'll need to reconfigure and recompile the new mutt (the previous 
configure command you used is at the top of the config.log in the 
source). Reconfigure and build it the same way, but add --with-ssl to 
the set of ./configure arguments. Assuming you have SSL development 
headers installed somewhere configure can find them, that'll get you a 
mutt that will do what you want.

- -- 
It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles being too tired.
                                                  -- Robert A. Heinlein
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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