

First, I see that when mutt is Evaluating Cache or Fetching Headers (or other things too), there is now a percentage displayed to the right of the fraction that tells how far along mutt is in the process. There used to simply be a fraction. Can I get rid of this? Since I've set the (wonderful) new "time_inc" to 10000, what happens now is that mutt displays "0%" unless the operation takes more than 10 seconds. I would rather it not display any percentage at all. "0%" makes it look like mutt has frozen. Also, the less cluttered the message the better.

You cannot only remove the percentage (in general the percentage doesn't reflect the fraction and vice versa, but I think for IMAP it does).

However, when you set time_inc this large, you won't get other progress updates within 10s since the whole progress line is updated, not just the percentage. So why don't you disable them at all when you don't need the information?

Second, when I change IMAP folders, there seem to be more steps than before that mutt goes through before showing me what's in my folders. I used to see Evaluating Cache, and then if there were no new messages since the last caching, mutt would go straight to "Sorting Mailbox" and then show me the folder. If there were new messages since last caching, then mutt would say "Fetching Headers" while it grabbed the rest of them. Now, I notice that even when the folder has just been cached and no new content is added, mutt will *still* take the time to display "Fetching Headers". 1.5.17 did not do this, if I recall correctly. Can I switch this off somehow?

Does this always happen for the same folder with the same mutt version? Mutt 1.5.18 contains a fix for header caching with a structrure different to 1.5.17. Whenever the structure differs, mutt 1.5.18 will consider a message missing cached with 1.5.17 and vice-versa. So fetching headers again for already cached folders could well be a one-time symptom.

Note that you could make it even worse when constantly switching between mutt 1.5.17 and 1.5.18 if they use the same hcache...


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