On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 09:45:35AM -0700, Brendan Cully wrote:
> There was a (very) long discussion of this a year ago, including a patch.
> Rather than repeating history, let me point you to:
> http://lists.df7cb.de/mutt/message/20070303.051241.22a57515.en.html

If you dislike patching and recompiling mutt, you can use something along the 
lines of:

macro attach S "<shell-escape>find ~/savedir/ -perm 0600 -exec chmod g+r {} 
\\;<enter>" "Fix permissions in ~/savedir folder"

Only works if you save all attachments in a certain folder. Change that folder 
and the permissions to suit your needs. I just hit shift+S after I save an 


Vincent van Leeuwen
Media Design - http://www.mediadesign.nl/

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