
I have some mailing list archives kept in mailboxes over IMAP.  I have header 
caching enabled on 1.5.17.  Usually when I switch to those folders, mutt 
"evaluates" the caches, which is a process that's considerably faster than 
"fetching the headers" (indeed, that's the point of caching).  But sometimes 
lately, when I switch into one of these folders, mutt will begin fetching anew 
as if I had no cache built up.  Well, that's not quite true: mutt begins 
fetching anew as if I only had a small fraction of the cache that I actually 
do.  I've got ~15K mails in this folder.  Sometimes for no reason mutt will 
start fetching headers starting with a seemingly random #, like 4517 or 3387.  
This is really annoying, since fetching takes a *long* time with 15K mails.

Anybody got a clue?  I've never had this happen before until recently.

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