>-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Kyle Wheeler
>Sent: 08 May 2008 05:12 PM

>>On Thursday, May  8 at 09:15 AM, quoth Dirk Moolman:
>> My version of Mutt is mutt-1.5.6i-64.6
>> I only have one sendmail on my machine:  /usr/sbin/sendmail
>> /usr/lib/sendmail is a symbolic link to this file.

>Ehrm, right, what I *meant* was to ask: what kind of sendmail is it?
>Is it THE Sendmail (www.sendmail.org)? If so, what version? Or is it
>exim? Qmail? Postfix? Something else?

Sorry (newbie! - I feel quite embarrased now)   I lost you on this one.
It came bundled with the SLES media (CD's), which were installed on our
servers.  I do not know exim, qmail.  We have postfix installed (also
bundled with the media)


I am trying to read as much as I can about mailing, but I still have a
lot to learn.

>> Yes, I have set " set envelope_from=yes" in the /etc/Muttrc, and
>> this seems to work ok.   The only difference I can see is that my
>> Unix server sends:
>>      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Where my Linux server sends:
>>      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Weird... That looks like an invalid construction. Is that just how the
>email is displayed, or is that the raw source of the email?

I am not sure.  Will I see this in the header ?   When I open the
header, I find:

From: "root" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does this help ?     I am still learning about all the terms - return
path, from address, rcpt (recipient), headers, envelopes, etc.

>> I don't know if this will cause e-mails to be rejected at the
>> recipient.

>Unfortunately, in this day and age of everybody having their own
>anti-spam rules, the only way to find out is trial-and-error (that or
>asking the fellow who runs the recipient's email server).

>> The command I use to send mail (from a script), is:
>> echo "" | mutt -x -a "$MAILMX_ATTACHMENT" -s "$MAILMX_SUBJECT"
>> The variables are supplied to the script and are self explanatory.

>Seems reasonable.

>> I also set $REPLYTO in the muttrc file:
>>>>> set envelope_from=yes
>>>>> set hdrs=yes
>>>>> my_hdr From: $REPLYTO

>How is REPLYTO supplied to mutt?

The REPLYTO is sent to the script via a parameter ($5), which is then
assigned to the variable REPLYTO.


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