On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 01:06:07PM -0400, you (Dale Harris) wrote:
> I've done some poking around and I haven't found a good answer to this,
> yet.  How best to use gmail/imap accounts with mutt.  The problem is I
> have multiple gmail accounts that I would like to access from the same
> mutt process.  So I'm using account-hook and folder-hook (to set options):
> account-hook imaps://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 'set imap_user=rodmur
> imap_pass="<pass>"'
> folder-hook imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 'source
> ~/.mutt/accounts.d/<file>'
> However, it would not seem that account-hook or folder-hook supports this
> at all.  I guess this would work if I had only one account at gmail, and
> was doing "account-hook imaps://imap.gmail.com/ ..." 
> Anyone have any suggestions? Or am I SOL and I'll just have to go back to
> using mutt -F. 
> --
> Dale Harris
> /.-)

Hi Dale,

I suggest using the mailboxes=imaps://something.....
command. please check the manual for the syntax and keybindings to access the 


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