Hi, Sorry for this message a little bit out of topic : my problem appears with mutt, but it's not due to mutt. But if someone has an idea to solve it and so that I can use mutt...
I'm running under debian sid with e17. Here is my problem : When I login myself through a tty and then launch e17 with startx (so without a display/login manager), I don't have any problem. When I launch slim (a login manager), I login myself, e17 startx perfectly and all works fine except the "console program" as htop or top. top is very slow and htop is completly freezed. If I go back to tty1 (through ctrl+alt+f1) the keyboard badly responds and If I launch mutt I can't do anything. If I kill slim all "console program" work fine. I have tested with fluxbox instead of e17. I get the same problem. I have tested with xdm or gdm instead of slim and I get the same problem too. I have seen on the slim homepage that it could be good to pass vt08 in xserver_argument. I have tested it : slim is launched on tty8 but I get exactly the same problem... Thanks for your attention, Regards, Guillaume