Hi list,
I'm sorry for the OT but couldn't imagine a better place to ask.
I use mutt+msmtp and the company I work for has an Exchange Server
(argh! if only I had known before accepting the job! :)).

I'm able to retrieve the mail via normal imap, and send mails to the
domain my_company.com. But whenever I try to email any other domain,
the server replies that the address is not accepted.

This is my .msmtprc file:

account default
host mail.local
port 25
user foo
password bar
tls off
auth off

I thought that the problem would be "auth off" but if I turn it on I
get the following error when sending any mail:

msmtp: GNU SASL: GSSAPI error in client while negotiating security
context in gss_init_sec_context() in SASL library.  This is most
likely due insufficient credentials or malicious interactions.

Has anyone ever run into this problem and could perhaps help?
Thanks a lot!

|_|0|_| - Salvatore Iovene
|_|_|0| - Website:  http://www.iovene.com/
|0|0|0| - Key:      http://www.iovene.com/pubkey.asc
------- - Webcomic: http://geekhero.iovene.com/

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