
In most of my folders I use the following config:

set strict_threads = yes
set sort = threads
set sort_aux = last-date-received

I save outgoing replies in the same folder as the incoming message so a 
discussion should show as a proper thread (and most do). However, I recently 
noticed a number of messages weren't properly threaded. Replies from person B 
to mails from me would show up as a thread, but replies from myself to person 
B would start a new thread every time.

If I unset strict_threads the mails do show up as one thread, but my mails are 
shown as -*>.

If I manually thread all the messages together using the & key it will show 
the thread correctly, but if I change to another folder and back the threads 
will be broken again.

All the messages have Message-ID's and References or In-Reply-To headers which 
all seem to be correct. However, the Message-ID's from person B do look a bit 

Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]@example.com>

I've replaced the real domain name with example.com to protect my client's 
identity, but the rest of the Message-ID is from the real mail.

Can it be that Mutt doesn't recognise that Message-ID as a real one and 
ignores it for threading purposes? If so, is there anything I can do (except 
editing the messages by hand ofcourse) to make Mutt thread them properly 

For completeness, I'm using Mutt 1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14) (a Debian 


Vincent van Leeuwen
Media Design - http://www.mediadesign.nl/

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