++ 12/03/08 10:12 +0100 - Matthias Apitz:
>Well, is there some way to draw a magic vertical line in the xterm or
>'vim' in column 72?

I am using in my .muttrc:

        set editor = 'vim -c "set tw=72" +2'

This tells vim the "textwidth" is maximum at 72 characters. When typing
text normaly, it will wrap text at that boundary. Whenever I am editing
text (adding a few words), this will no longer work automagicaly. I can
then use "gqap" to reformat the paragraph and it't will rewrap again to
that boundary. Works nicely - although it could be optimized probably.

Rejo Zenger . <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . 0x75FC50F3 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>

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