=- Steven wrote on Fri 15.Feb'08 at  7:33:59 -0700 -=

>>> Anyhow, I'm wondering if it's possible to have the cursor in the
>>> e-mail editor automatically placed beneath the contents of the
>>> message body? Frankly, this isn't a huge deal if it doesn't as I
>>> tend to work my way through the e-mail threading responses
>>> in-line and trimming as I go.
> Hrm, I already have the following in my .muttrc:
> set editor="vim '+/^$' -c 'set tw=68'"
> Perhaps I have +/^$ in the wrong order in the command? I'll have
> to reread that section in the Vim help file, maybe I misread it or
> misunderstood it.

You misunderstood.
+ means pass cmd
/ search for regex

What you want is to search for 1st '^>' quote-char, then thereafter
1st non-quote-char '^[^>]'.
I leave the exact solution as vim-excercise, or else ask in #vim (on
the IRC-network or mailing-list near you) for more.

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EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
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