I'd like to save outgoing and incoming messages in the same folder --
convenient for threads. Writing separate hooks for each folder like so
does the job:

    folder-hook grml set record = +lists/grml
    folder-hook mutt set record = +lists/mutt

Wanting a single folder-hook solution I tried:

    set record = +^

which only created a mailbox named ^ in my $folder directory and saved
the outgoing messages there. More searching...and the answer appeared:

    Subject:    Re: sent emails in -->> to proper folder
    Date:       2005-11-17 13:21:15
    > I was wondering how/if it was possible to have
    > mutt/procmail store outgoing replies to be stored in
    > respective folder instead of going to "Sent" only.

    folder-hook . 'set record="^"'

I was ready to send this message as a question to the list when one
last round of searching brought this answer...figured I'd send it
anyway to maybe increase the odds of finding for others searching out
a similar solution. I tried it without the ' ' quotes:

    folder-hook . set record="^"

which also seems to work. Is there a reason those additional quotes
should be included?



John Magolske

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