
Why does "uncolor" only work for "index" and not for object?
This behaviour is realy annoying.

I mean, I want to use for example:

----[ '~/.mutt/hook-folders' ] -----------------------------------------
folder-hook .                   'source ~/.mutt/colors_diff_un'

folder-hook .BTS_debian         'source ~/.mutt/security.pgp.ml_debian; \
                                 source ~/.mutt/colors_diff'

folder-hook .ML_debian.devel/   'source ~/.mutt/security.pgp.ml_debian; \
                                 source ~/.mutt/colors_diff; \
                                 my_hdr Fcc: =.ML_debian/'

folder-hook .ML_debian          'source ~/.mutt/security.pgp.ml_debian; \
                                 my_hdr Fcc: =.ML_debian/'

folder-hook .ML_devel           'source ~/.mutt/security.pgp.ml_devel; \
                                 source ~/.mutt/colors_diff; \
                                 my_hdr Fcc: =.ML_devel/'

folder-hook .ML_linux.linux-kernel      'source ~/.mutt/security.pgp.ml_linux; \
                                         source ~/.mutt/colors_diff; \
                                         my_hdr Fcc: =.ML_linux/'


----[ '~/.mutt/colors_diff' ]-------------------------------------------
color body black       white   '^Index:\ (.*)$'
color body white       red     '^diff\ (.*)$'
color body cyan        default '^@@(.*)$'
color body brightblue  default '^@@ (.*) @@ '
color body red         default '^\-\ (.*)$'
color body green       default '^\+(.*)$'
color body red         default '^\-\    (.*)$'
color body green       default '^\+\    (.*)$'
color body red         default '^\-#(.*)$'
color body green       default '^\+#(.*)$'
color body red         default '^\-.*$'
color body green       default '^\\+.$'
color body red         default '^<\ (.*)$'
# color body green       default '^>\ (.*)$'
color body red         default '^<#(.*)$'
# color body green       default '^>#(.*)$'
color body magenta     default '^---\ (.*)$'
color body magenta     default '^\+\+\+\ (.*)$'
color body yellow      default '^=== (.*)$'
color body yellow      default '^! (.*)$'
color body white       default '^\ #(.*)$'
color body white       default '^.*(\ )#(.*)$'
color body white       default '^ }(.*)$'
color body white       default '^       }(.*)$'

which is realy annoying, if you are in other Mailfolders/Mailinglists.
I can not even overwrite it by using "default" for the foreground color,

    color body default default '^Index:\ (.*)$'
    color body default default '^diff\ (.*)$'
    color body default default '^@@(.*)$'
    color body default default '^@@ (.*) @@ '
    color body default default '^\-\ (.*)$'

My question is: WHY CAN I NOT OVERWRITE the previous definition?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/61925193    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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