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On Friday, October  5 at 05:14 PM, quoth Holger Weiss:
>> As for impact, it chunks through on the order of 5000 emails a day, 
>> of which over 86% is spam (according to my logs), and I think the 
>> last time I got a message that was incorrectly classified was 
>> probably... maybe a week ago, or so.
> So you get about 1 out of 35.000 messages misclassified (which would be 
> an accuracy of about 99.997%)?  I cannot quite believe that :-)  In any 
> case, it does sound as if you do get significantly better results out of 
> SpamAssassin than I ever did, despite a lot of tweaking I tried.

Well, the twist to that statistic is that not all 5000 of those emails 
are for *me*. I'm only one of the users on my system that uses SA 
(though I'm certainly the biggest user of email on the system). Based 
on yesterday's logs, I personally get around 10,521 emails (including 
spam) a week. Assuming an oversized fudge factor of maybe ten 
misclassified messages that I either didn't notice or don't remember, 
that puts my accuracy around 99.9%.

I think this really does, though, boil down to: different filters do 
better for different people.

- -- 
I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be 
                                                     -- Oliver Cromwell
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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