On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 10:03:30AM +0200, Eyolf Østrem wrote:
> There was a thread a short while ago about non-ascii characters in the
> "From" name during which I changed my name from Oestrem to Østrem, and
> it works.
> Today, I happened to find one of my own messages in a search of the
> list at http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users, and there, my name appears as:
>     Eyolf =?iso-8859-1?Q?=D8strem?= <eyolf () oestrem ! com>
> Not so nice to look at... Is there still some setting I should

Well for many readers of mails with non-ascii chars in headers its not
going to look very pretty.  I don't think the problem is so much with
settings on your end as with the various settings and capabilities and
preferences on the receivers end.  (My personal case is that I need to
be able to decode Japanese, in all the forms it may come, into euc-jp,
since utf8 is still not practical due to font and software limitations.
Most of those non-ascii characters end up as "unknowns", i.e., show up
as a centered-dot wide character.)

henry nelson

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