On Wed Sep 26, 2007 at 12:41:18PM +0100, Chris G wrote:
> How does one create new folders (as in places to save new mailboxes)
> when using IMAP?
> E.g. I want to create a folder called 'howTos' in which I will save
> several distinct mailboxes called, say, 'build', 'links', etc.
> If it's of relevance this is on an MS Exchange server with IMAP
> access.
> -- 
> Chris Green

Use 'c' then '?' to pull up a list of known folders, then use 'C' to
create a new one. You may also need to add a list of your mailboxes to
.muttrc or source a separate file. For example:

# ~/.muttrc
source "~/.mutt/mutt_mailboxes"

# ~/.mutt/mutt_mailboxes
mailboxes "imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/IMAPFolderName1"
mailboxes "imap://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/IMAPFolderName2"
# et cetera ...

 --- Colby

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