
* Kirill Miazine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [17-07-2007 10:21]:

> * René Clerc [2007-07-16 12:26]:


>> I noticed that, when replying to an e-mail, the attribution uses the
>> date from (what it seems) the Received: header in stead of the Date:
>> header.  Why?
> Do you use the %() format in your attribution?
>   %(fmt)  the local date and time when the message was received.
>           ``fmt'' is expanded by the library function ``strftime'';
>           a leading bang disables locales
> Try %{}.

This doesn't really help -- my question pertains to the date the
message was sent (this is how I interpret the Date:) header.

René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - PGP: 0x9ACE0AC7

CAT, n.  A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be
kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.
-Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

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