Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 05:58:50PM +0100, mess-mate wrote:
| > Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > | On Friday, March  9 at 08:49 PM, quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| > | > I am asking myself whether it would be possible to change this 
| > | > response to a simple:
| > | >
| > | > "Open mailbox ('?' for list); ="
| > | 
| > | macro index c '<change-folder>='
| > | 
| > And to get my /home/mess-mate/  ??
| > ( not the mailbox)
| > best regards
| > mess-mate                               
| > -- 
| When I hit c then ? in the list that shows up is a ../ if I high light that 
| hit enter then the stuff in my home directory is listed. Is this what your 
| asking ?
| Tom
Yes, that is what i asked, and when i highlight it + enter, what i
see is only

entering on one of this do not display my ~/ directory.
Can't access my $HOME at all :(
The $HOME dir very usefull to attach files with an email.

best rgards

Q:      What's tan and black and looks great on a lawyer?
A:      A doberman.

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