On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 05:00:36PM +0100, Alain Bench wrote:

> > the sender of the message always shows up as "????????? ???????"
> Looks like a Tamil name. Your current charset does not have those
> rather uncommon characters, so Mutt is masking them with question
> marks. To display them correctly you'd need an UTF-8 terminal and
> locale (perhaps exporting LANG=en_US.UTF-8). And more difficult you'd
> need a font having the wanted glyphs (I checked all my fonts without
> success).

Aha! My friend who sends me this message is a Tamilian, so this is very
likely. I'll try and find a Tamil font under Linux, or just pester him
into translating his name into English :).



Alternative definitions of terms from Math Lectures:
TWO LINE PROOF: The rest of the lecture will be spent writing fifty odd
lines, after which the proof will still be incomplete.

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